Welcome to Navigo App from Pilgrim Paths
The Navigo app from Pilgrim Paths allows you to use your smartphone to find your way on pilgrimage trails in Europe. Just load the app and in a few easy steps you will be safely on your way, worry-free about getting lost and with trustworthy information built on our personal experience. Navigo’s routes are based on the actual GPS recordings of our founder, Sandy Brown, as he has walked pilgrimage trails covered in his popular guidebooks. While walking and researching, Sandy studied the best way to approach the route. These tracks are the result. While other popular apps source their tracks from the Internet, Sandy’s are actually based on his own travels. Once you have your route loaded and are on the trail, the app has no need of a cell signal. It functions purely from the GPS receiver already located inside your smartphone. That’s it! The route appears on the screen. Easy peasy. Does that mean you have to walk with your phone in your hand each step of the way? Not at all. We recommend following signage and guidebook maps. The value of an app like this is in those moments when the signs are missing or aren’t clear and you’re not sure which way to go. Then a quick consult with Navigo and you’re set. Find Pilgrim Paths Navigo on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
Everything you need is on one screen
Upper left “hamburger” icon: Choose your base map - You can choose the Outdoors Map (shown) which shows all pedestrian trails, the Satellite Map, a Traffic Map, Street Map, a Light-Color map, and a Satellite Street map. Top right “compass rose” icon: The red arrow either points North when in the “Route Up” position or always points North in the “North Up” position Top right “map lock” icon: Choose The map now automatically finds your position. Turn it off to allow scanning the map. Top right “red dot” icon: Record your distance and time so you know how far you’ve walked or ridden. Middle-right “i” information icon: A handy tutorial text desribes how to use each control. Bottom right “arrow” icon: Choose “Route Up” or “North Up” orientation of your map. Bottom right “pin” icon: Push this to locate yourself anywhere in the world.

Some handy tips
#1: You can zoom in on the map to see surprising granular detail. #2: Official and optional routes are in different colors. In this screenshot the red is the official route, but Sandy’s route in blue shows another way toward the same goal – shorter and maybe more scenic. #3: If you’re going to be out for more than a few hours, bring along a battery pack. Most phone batteries last 3-4 hours while using their GPS function, and that’s true with Navigo, too. #4: Look for lodging icons. They’re in the shape of a bed! #5: Look also for helpful icons on the base map, including drinking fountains and other very helpful sites.

Find your way with Pilgrim Paths Navigo App
You need never worry about being lost, since all Pilgrim Paths clients receive a coupon code for free access to our navigational smartphone app. Just download the app, open it to your route, and you’ll activate the GPS function of your smartphone, see a map of your route, and follow it to find your destination.